FairPrice.Network and our Healthcare Revolution

Welcome to the FairPrice.Network website! We’d like to introduce ourselves and healthcare revolution.

FairPrice.Network is an open marketplace for healthcare providers and consumers. We work with a variety of groups within the healthcare space–physicians, employers, and healthcare consumers.

FairPrice Your Healthcare Choice Matters

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How American insurance is broken
Who FairPrice Is
How we can help

We’ve made some big claims about revolutionizing healthcare with our open marketplace. The reason for our claims is price transparency, which is just like it sounds–you know the price before healthcare services happen. Now that might not sound revolutionary, but see if any of these sound familiar –

  • You go to the doctor and cross your fingers that you won’t get a huge bill in the mail.
  • You send your bill to the insurance company and make your best guess of what you’ll get paid.
  • You always dread the end of year insurance discussion because everything’s going to change and most likely not in your favor.

Like you, we’ve experienced these things. So we created a place where everyone knows the price beforehand. Just like when you buy or sell anything else. No more guessing. No more crossed fingers. Just simple, straightforward pricing. That’s price transparency. That’s the FairPrice.Network revolution.

Learn more at FairPrice.Network